Goals! Everyone talks about them. We all need them. But I’m convinced a mere goal is never enough. We need to move beyond simply setting a goal to having a vision of what life will be like once we have attained that goal. If all we have is a goal, then it seems like the end result is just achieving a goal for achieving a goal’s sake, we won’t stick with it. At least, I never do. So, whether we are talking about our physical, mental, financial, or even spiritual lives, we need to move beyond goals and envision what life will be like having achieved that goal.
God's Way for Our Lives
The #1 Way to Put on God’s Armor and Be Ready for Today’s Battle
We are at war. We may not be able to see the advance of infantry, armory, and cavalry; but we can see the advance of heathenism, hedonism, and individualism. We may not be able to see bombed and burning buildings; but we can see broken and battered homes. We may not be able to see prisoners of war caught in torture camps; but we can see sheep without a shepherd, distressed and downcast, caught in cults, false teaching churches, and dead-end philosophies. We may not see the injured, crippled, and maimed lying in hospitals; but we can see the walking wounded, lying down spiritually because they have no strength to go on. We are at war. And as such, we must learn how to suit up for battle.
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Peter’s Six-Point Plan for Living Peaceably with All
Romans 12:18 says, “If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.” We’ve all heard this verse. I for one am convinced I live by this verse. After all, all my conflicts are someone else’s fault, right? But Matthew 7:1-5 says I should be more concerned about the log in my own eye than the speck in yours. Maybe I need to dig a little deeper and examine myself a little more closely.
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Does Freedom of Religion Mean We Shouldn’t Talk about Religion?
Have you ever read “The Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom” written by Thomas Jefferson? Many believe it is the basis for the freedom of religion clause in our Constitution’s Bill of Rights. Amazingly, some have used this notion of freedom of religion to mean that none of us should actually talk about what we believe. Our modern pluralistic society asserts that the only real sin is to discuss, debate, or argue about any point of religion. Amazingly, if Jefferson were to hear that being fostered in the name of his Statute, I believe he would roll over in his grave.
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Why False Teachers Need to be Exposed
There’s a lot of nonsense parading about as Christianity these days. But when you speak out against it, some folks play the tolerance card claiming it does no harm and we need to just let people be. However, the following video, while being completely hilarious to me, demonstrates exactly how dangerous it can be to let some people prance about as representatives of Christianity in general.
Has Rush’s Prophecy Come True?
Yes, I’m waxing historical this week. No, I’m not talking about Rush Limbaugh or the band. I’d like to share another quote from Benjamin Rush. This one is far more frightening (I think), and I want to get your thoughts about it. Rush prophesied what would become of American culture in his address to the guests of the Young Ladies Academy of Philadelphia in 1787. Was he right? Was he wrong? How do we measure up today? Keep reading and you tell me what you think.
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