I know this is not my typical kind of Springboard for the Family and I hope I can say all this properly so as not to skew my point. However, I’m a little shocked at some articles I’ve read this week about a British woman in Laos. Apparently, this young woman has been arrested while in Laos on charges of drug trafficking. I don’t know if she’s guilty or innocent. So I’m not weighing forth on that. The amount of drug she allegedly carried warrants death by firing squad in Laos.
The hitch? The young woman is pregnant. The news stories do not question so much whether she should be executed according to the law of Laos as much as how a pregnant woman shouldn’t be executed.
My point here is not to agree or disagree with the policy of not executing pregnant women (actually, I would tend to agree with that policy). However, I can’t help but think that if this young woman were in America and decided she didn’t want that baby, she would be allowed to kill it willy-nilly without any interference from anyone. In the debate about abortion, we are told that what is inside her is nothing more than a fetus parasite and she has control over that and can kill it if she wants. However, get her arrested, threaten to execute her and suddenly that fetus parasite is a baby that has a life of its own.
I happen to agree that what is inside her is a baby. I happen to agree that it has a life of its own. I happen to agree it should not also be punished for the mother’s crimes. I just wanted to point out the inconsistency of the politically correct. When it suits their purposes, it’s just a fetus and you’re not killing anything. When it suits their purposes it is a life that needs preserving. How convenient.
Why is this a springboard for your family? Because, if you happen to stumble across this article and your thinking about stopping your family before it starts by aborting your baby, please, reconsider. Even the liberals truly know what is inside you is a life, a separate life that deserves it’s chance to live.
If you have stumbled across this and have already had an abortion. I hope you will reconsider what you’ve done. But I also hope you realize God still loves you. He sent His Son for you and you can find forgiveness in HIm. You can find freedom from the guilt and shame you feel through Jesus Christ.
If you have stumbled across this and don’t care about abortion. I simply hope you’ll think about this inconsistency and see how it should impact your views. Please, don’t just discount it because it doesn’t toe the modern party line of political correctness. Wrestle with this. Because to be consistent, you should either give up abortion or you should say the pregnancy shouldn’t impact whether the woman is executed for her crimes if proven guilty.
Please, don’t stop your family before it is started. Consider raising your child. Right now it seems impossible, but in a 10 or 20 years, you will see it completely differently. If that is not an option, consider adoption. there are numerous people who have tried and tried to have children and can’t. You can be a blessing to them. Be a springboard for their family.
But whatever you think about this, let’s at least be consistent.