There’s a lot of nonsense parading about as Christianity these days. But when you speak out against it, some folks play the tolerance card claiming it does no harm and we need to just let people be. However, the following video, while being completely hilarious to me, demonstrates exactly how dangerous it can be to let some people prance about as representatives of Christianity in general.
These two Australian late night comedians place their laser sights on some of the ridiculousness posing as Christianity today. What really gets my blood boiling is the video is posted by a guy whose screen name is “muslimsince2003.” What does that mean? It means someone who is following Islam saw this as a great lampoon of modern Christianity. Sad.
I don’t know who “muslimsince2003” is, but I want to assure you that these guys are not representative of real Christianity. They are folks who sadly are trying to profit from Christianity. Peter talks about them in 2 Peter 2:1-3.
This kind of nonsense makes all Christians look bad and provides ammunition for those who would deny Jesus. These kind of teachers need to be exposed and rebuked.
I hope you laugh while watching this video, but I also hope you recognize the danger this kind of nonsense poses. Because while some people are laughing, they are also discounting true Christianity along with this clearly fake version.
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