This month’s Cosmopolitan magazine offers women “50 Ways to Seduce a Man (In One Minute or Less).” Part of me wanted to check out that article to see how many of the ways fit within The 7 Appeals of a Seductress I wrote about the other day. However, the picture on the cover led me to believe that magazine is dangerous to my soul. So I left it in the rack. Here’s the point, ladies. Some women want to seduce your man and they are educating others in how to accomplish that in less than one minute.
That’s where today’s post comes in. My brother-in-law, Nathan Williams, reposted my article and received a great response from a brother named Doug Hoffman. I received permission to repost it here.
7 Ways Wives Can Beat the Seductress
Once married, a young man is MORE attractive to the opposite sex. And he is more vulnerable than before he got married. He is viewed by the temptress as stable (certainly more stable than she), catchable (because he’s already been caught), and committed (at least able to commit). Many young married men can identify with the fact that often the temptress is more active AFTER she finds they are married than she was before. At this critical time the man needs to pull out all the tools he used BEFORE he got married to ward off her subtle but obvious attempts to destroy his marriage. However, this passage also gives the WIFE ammunition she needs to combat the seductress.
A woman who understands the vulnerability of her young husband and recognizes the reality that her own interests may have waned (especially in the presence of ever-present children or uncontrollable sleep/eat/feed schedules) will look at this passage with a different view—from HIS viewpoint. How might SHE continue to satisfy the needs of her husband and help him keep his eyes on HER?
Try these suggestions from this passage:
- Dress like the godly woman you are, but learn how to appeal to your husband in the proper setting (you can be what he needs you to be in the bedroom),
- Be affectionate to him, let him know he’s very important to you and TELL HIM SO, constantly,
- Be appreciative (and express it) of his strength of character to remain true to his vows to you and God,
- Let him know how much you value his importance to you and the family (and express it regularly),
- Make the marriage event the best it can be, enjoy him and let him enjoy you…that’s God’s plan for real fulfillment and security,
- Know that he needs you, emotionally. Freely give, listen, and communicate that emotion (and again, express it but also listen)
- The intimate things you share only with him (laughing, joking, wrestling, or whatever) should be the highlight of your day.
Don’t assume anything. It is correct that the temptress will “pull out all stops and say anything to get you in bed.” Unfortunately, many young married women don’t take the time to pull out any stops and prefer to say nothing about how valuable their husband is to them and the family. And then they wonder why their husbands have roving eyes? Hmmmmm.
Thanks for taking my post to the next level, Doug.
What else do you do to protect your marriage? Click here to add your input.
Steve Wolfgang says
This can and should be mirror-imaged as well. There are ungodly men who would love nothing better than to seduce a “Christian” wife — and husbands need to pay the kind of attention to their wives’ needs that Doug counsels above. If BOTH partners in the relationship are attentive to each others’ needs and desires, a sort of “critical-mass” energy is created. It can’t fall on just the wife or just the husband.
Anonymous says
Absolutely, Steve. Thanks for pointing that out. I am tempted to tell my wife to read this post. Instead, what I need to do is clean up my side of the street and work on being a husband that protects her from the seducer.