Last night was tough for Marita and me. The Camp Kennessee nurse called saying Tessa had a fever all day and would have to go home. Marita and I repeatedly commented on the hour and a half trip to pick her up about how much we hurt for her. I wanted to cry for her.
It makes me think of the second half of Romans 12:15.
“Weep with those who weep.”
This verse doesn’t say:
- Cheer up those who weep.
- Say something profound to those who weep.
- Rebuke those who weep.
- Ignore those who weep.
- Be uncomfortable around those who weep.
- Avoid those who weep.
- Shame those who weep.
- Make fun of those who weep.
- Get angry at the inconvenience of those who weep.
Actually, it tells us to weep with those who weep.
The next time someone you know is sad and weeping, don’t try to stop them. Don’t get mad at them. Don’t avoid them. Don’t try to be the hero who says the really profound thing to lift them up. Just weep with them.
Laughter may well be the best medicine, but a good cry can cleanse the soul.
Clay Gentry says
This one is tough for me. I'm a "fixer upper" kind of guy. If Shelly is upset and crying about something I want to fix it for her. If one of the disciples calls me with a problem I want to offer the solution. Your right, I must learn that I am called to weep not fix.
I think our busy, fast paced lives contribute to our lack of weeping with those who weep. It's quicker and much cleaner to offer a solution at arms lenght than to take the time to get involved in another persons life by weeping with them.
Thank you for your thoughts and the encouragement that you offer.