I was looking for a fun and funny video to do a Good Clean Fun post. I came across this one, which is fun for me. I love what Jack Crabtree says about how we should read the Bible.
What would happen if we all followed his advice? Click here to add your input.
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I love Crabtree’s advice about simply learning how to read books. So, I thought I’d throw out a recommendation. One of the books that has most helped me in reading in general and in reading the Bible wasn’t specifically about the Bible at all. Check it out. I think it might help you as well.
If we followed his advice, our churches would look VERY different, lives would be lived very differently – more humility, service, gratitude, our speech would be changed – sarcasm and cynicism would be the exceptions, praising God for His mercy and grace would be the rule.
We REALLY need this sort of change.
Lots more service and lots more humility, that’s for sure, Ben. But then, I guess it takes that kind of humility to read the Bible this way, don’t you think?
Very good video. If we could all leave our biases behind and read the Bible with no preconceived notions, I think it would be amazing what we would learn. I guess the truth is that the Bible needs our help to misunderstand it more than it needs our help to understand it.
Amen, Tony. Sadly, we are often too good at helping the Bible.