Sorry I missed last week. We had a lot going on, mostly stressful.
We were out of town over the last weekend. We came home to a house with a busted water heater that had to be repaired. On Wednesday, Marita’s Maw-maw died. On Friday, we held her funeral. On Sunday, I announced to people that I love dearly that we believe it is time for us to move to a new congregation. On June 20 of this year, I’ll start working with the Brownsburg Church of Christ in Brownsburg, Indiana. I’ll say again here as I have in so many places, I have many mixed emotions. I have a great deal of sadness about being separated from so many good friends who I love so much. I also have a great deal of excitement about new possibilities with a new group of people.
What does all of this mean?
First, it means the next three months are going to be a very stress filled time for my family and me. I’ll try to keep up the blog regularly, but this may mean I miss some days as I devote time to getting my house ready. Be patient with me.
Second, it means change. I fear change. I like status quo. With status quo, there is no second-guessing. Except, there is. There is always the second guess that change might have been good. How do we cope with change, whether it was a personal decision to change or a change thrust upon us by others or by circumstances?
Perhaps this won’t shock anyone, but I am learning to rely on the message of Romans 8:28: “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”
Too many of us sit in paralyzed fear wondering if the proposed change is God’s secret will for our lives. What I am learning is my job today is to love God. That means, whatever choice I make needs to be in accord with God revealed Word. That’s simply because I need to serve God. When I live by the principle to simply to do the next right thing because I love God, He’ll work together whatever I do and whatever anyone else does and whatever happens in the world to help me be glorified. I may not see how what is happening today will allow for that. I may be terribly sad, awfully angry, even cruelly hurt today. However, sometime down the road, I’ll be able to see that all of this worked together for good. Maybe I won’t even be able to see it until I stand in eternity. However, I will be able to look back and see it.
We often say, “Hindsight is 20/20.” Romans 8:28 is asking us to live with that hindsight right now. It is asking us not to wait until years down the road to realize whatever is going on today will actually work out for my good in the end. It is asking me to trust God and learn that whatever change is taking place today will be used by God to lead to my glorification in Jesus Christ.
That’s how I am learning to cope with change. I’m sure I’ll need you to remind me of that sometimes. I don’t always keep that in my head properly. Today, I’m remembering it.
Have a great week and remember that God’s way works.
Wish you well with your new opportunities.